
Showing posts from September, 2018

Save your Sunday poster Ideas


New Swot and Pest analysis for campaign

Swot analysis for ‘Save your Sundays’ campaign: Strength: Strong distribution channels. Social media platforms allow for rapid sharing and reach a broad range of people. Social media is accessible for our target market and is used for sharing information. Using social media allows for the opportunity of our campaign going viral and therefore reaching a wider target market than initially targeted. Good relations with parent company (Cancer society) The campaign is versatile and easily expandable for different age groups /causes /seasonal/ localisation. The campaign is flexible for change for example in the summer seasons the campaign could focus on being sun smart whilst drinking.   Local and national organisation. Promotes healthy lifestyle habits for younger generations through a realistic lense. Provides strong resources and factual information. A digital-based campaign means that elements can be mass marketed in a short amount of time. Our marketin

Breaking Down Our Campaign

Save Our Sundays In Our Campaign "Save our Sundays" we want to portray that excessive drinking is a "losing game" Through our ad campaigns we want to portray that excessive drinking is a lose, lose situation.

Logo Concepts+ Developments

Inital Logo Concepts: Logo Developments: Final Logo colour Variants:

Logo ideas


Concept brainstorm

Sorry about the quality guys! heres the entire brainstorm from the other day, if i have time i might rewrite it cause its kinda hard to read 

Alcohol vs Life Expectancy


Poster Concpets


Project Skeleton

Current skeletal concepts for the campaign Name: Bottoms Up?  Slogan: 

Brainstorming Campaigns and Concepts


Interim Critique Feedback

Where to next? From the interim presentations and the positive feedback we received surrounding our idea of a behavioural change campaign, we will develop a 'storyline', design aesthetic and visual system that will run through each touchpoint. As some members of our client's team were unable to attend this presentation they are wanting us to represent to them if needed. This opportunity will allow us to create a few tangible/ visual components that directly relate to our project to not only create understanding for our client but for our team as a whole in terms of project direction.