The Proposal

Background research: 

"Cancer is the country’s single biggest cause of death. Most New Zealanders will have some experience of it – either personally or through a relative or friend." (Ministry of health) 

The team at Wellington's cancer society provide support for some of the 23,000+ people nationwide and their whānau who live in the greater Wellington area, Kāpiti, Nelson, Wairarapa or Marlborough that are diagnosed with cancer every year. Their key objectives are promoting healthy lifestyles, educating and informing kiwis about risk reductions of cancer and providing, encouraging supportive care.  *need to rewrite this but just was a start*

Initial findings: 

  • People of the ages 18-35 are the ones who are living lifestyles and partaking in harmful behaviours which increase the risk of getting cancer --- While younger people in New Zealand are less likely to consume alcohol on a weekly basis than older people, they are more likely to consume a large amount on a single drinking occasion at least weekly and they are at increased risk of hazardous drinking (Table 3). The prevalence of hazardous drinking and consuming a large amount of alcohol weekly peaks, among both men and women, in the 18 to 24 year age group, and then declines with age. expand on this
  • Younger ages tend to care about how they are perceived by others more than those who are older- how do we know this? maybe add in some facts
  • Both shock (graphic imagery) and humour play an important role in people taking notice of a message and having a lasting/memorable impact (Ghost Chips).  
  • This age group of people don't associate alcohol with something that increases the risk of cancer in comparison to obvious risks like smoking. (need to flesh this part out also with stat?) 
  • SWOT analysis - to draw connections to our findings and solutions


  • Indulging in alcohol/ binge drinking is a social norm in young adults (18-20's?) - to attempt to tell people to just stop drinking won't be a realistic goal- 
  • People don't understand the effects of alcohol and the damage it can do to your body.

Thought leadership: 

  • How do we educate this age group of people about the risks of abusing alcohol
  • What is a compelling way to let them learn this knowledge.
  • Opportunity, objectives and stratagey.
  • Campaign - Posters, ads
  • Social Media


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