Reducing Risk not preventing

Reducing Risk Not Preventing 

Mens Health:

established Campaigns for reducing your alcohol intake:

Say, Yeah, Nah

  • Yeah, Nah is a great way to say you don't want another drink.
  • Yeah, Nah gives you social permission to decline a drink.
  • Respect people's choice not to drink.
  • Not drinking doesn't mean you don't want a good time or won't have a good time.
  • Back your mates who are trying to ease up - show your support.
  • Drink water between alcoholic drinks.

Primary audiences

The key audiences for Say Yeah, Nah are:
  • New Zealanders aged 18 to 35 who binge drink (7 to 12 drinks)
  • New Zealanders aged 18 to 35 who drink at high risk levels (13+) who are open to change
  • Friends and family of these drinkers, including those who host drinking occasions.

People drink too much because they think it leads to good times, but drinking too much can keep you from being part of the action and lead to you forgetting the good times.
Fear of missing out or FOMO lies at the core of Department of Lost nights, the latest phase of the Say yeah, nah campaign. 

Not beersies: Providing people with the language to ease up and to discourage pushing alcohol on others  - Yeah, Nah - "they're not saying no to you, they're saying no to the beersies"

When it comes to a night out the people who have the best time are the ones that use simple moderation tools, such as drinking water to go the distance.

Provocative Design

Alcohol and Health 'Glassbody'

Image result for alcoholism campaigns

Image result for alcoholism campaigns Image result for alcoholism campaigns

Effects Of Alcohol Abuse, thats why I limit myself every time.


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