Meeting with the Cancer Society

Client Initial Questions we asked:

  • Is there a current initiative for the target audience (18-37 year olds) in place?
  • Is there any specific genre of promotional material in your mind already?. For now we’re thinking about to do a campaign (adaptable for the future )
  • Would you like the design aesthetic of our project to be similar to the current cancer society aesthetic or are we able to use our own initiative?
  • Are there any specific emotions you want target from the project? (shock, sad, humour etc)
  • Would you want this brief to be static (eg a one time initiative) or have the potential to be adapted as needed?

Questions answered by CancerSoc
  • Are there any initiative(s) that target (or have targeted) 18-34 y/o's?
Yes. We have ‘Junk Free June’ which is targeted towards this age group. It is an annual digital campaign that encourages participants to go junk free for the month of June. It was born from our Wellington office and has grown into a nationwide initiative. However, funding restrictions have currently put the campaign on hold.

  • Is there any kind of project in your mind already? For example, a campaign, or an online based resource, or a programme?
No, we are completely open to any ideas! 😊
  • Would you like the design aesthetic of our project to be similar to the current Cancer Society Aesthetic, or do we have a bit more creative freedom to make something a bit different?  
We encourage total creative freedom here.  
Just for reference, I have attached our organisation logo, as well as our footer logos, which are included in all of our official branding. Footer_1 Footer_2
  • Are there any specific emotions you do you want to target for the project? (shock, pull on the heartstrings, humour etc)  
Our main goal is to educate and inform this age group on reducing their risk of cancer, so a mix of shock and humour may work?
You guys are the demographic, so really think about what would work for you 😊
  • Do you want this brief to be a one-time initiative, or have the potential to be adapted as needed in the future?
We would like it to be an ongoing initiative, with the potential to grow and possibly be implemented by our other Cancer Society divisions across the country.
After initial implementation, we would do an evaluation to assess it’s successfulness and whether or not we would keep it as an ongoing initiative.
Our website hosts a lot of great, and more in depth information around reducing cancer risk , than what was included in my presentation (I had to keep it brief).
But if you do need any further information or clarification, please don’t hesitate to contact Raewyn or myself.

Main current initiatives: 

The main goal of cancer society is too: Reducing risk not preventing

Sun-smart in school. Once kids hit high school the initiative is lost, there isn't as much impact as people get older tend not to respond to this campaign. Reach is lost as people get older. One of the most difficult things to see is teenage - young adults wanting a tan. 

Get the tools: Took kit looking into men's health regarding cancer - no specific. Not specifically branded to cancer society whilst being their project. Not an initiative the would like us to focus on but is an option. The most common users of this initiative is a woman on behalf of their husbands and partners 

Smoking: Biggest initiatives. A lot of campaigning, support for smoking. Less attractive for the current generations - on their way down. Yet now tobacco companies now investing in e-cigarettes and vaping to maintain their business is also attractive to non-smokers. Concerning because it's becoming such a fad. Concerning as its a grey area currently for action.

Alcohol: A large contributor to risk. No current initiative that targets it. Have attempted but all previous ideas contradict the initiative. Difficult to campaign because in past have engaged in events that include alcohol. Want people to avoid or useless.  

Promoting physical exercise: Eating better. Biggest initiative to this age group is junk free June. Wellington-based idea but is nationwide. Wellington began this campaign but didn't intitate this year as lack of funds due to the initiative being nationwide - money fundraised was split nationally. Targets the younger audience, big social media presence - mainly driven by social media.

Junk free June: Initiated by students

Youth ambassador programmes: Tobacco education-  getting involved with younger people.

Fresh Air Project: Resturants and cafes with outside dining to make these areas smoke free

The environmental angle of smoking: People don't have an opinion on people harming their health (in some cases) yet have an opinion on how it harms the environment.

Usefulness of the heart foundation rating: Making it easier to see what is in the food your buying.

Almost all of their social media presence is dedicated to health promotion yet still isn't large. They are sectors including Cancer society, health promotion, volunteer aspects and fundraising that engage in social media separately

Don't make equities worse. None of their programmes should exclude anybody. Don't disregard economic status and other demographic elements. Programme for everyone.


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