Audience/ alcohol and drinking culture research.

Initial audience research: this article focuses on both baby boomers and millennials, just using the data surrounding the millennials gives us an indication of drinking habits younger kiwis have.

"Smartphone and laptop ownership was particularly high amongst 18-34-year-olds (91% and 85% respectively), although more than three-quarters of those aged 35-54 years also owned or had access to these devices."
- Research NZ: A Report on a Survey of New Zealanders’ Use of Smartphones and other Mobile Communication Devices 2015 
Stats surrounding how this age group interacts with technology and social media will be helpful when creating potential platforms for solutions.
Article: Frightfully funny: combining threat and humor in health messages for men and women. 
Very useful article for our project as it breakdowns how females/males respond differently to both threatening and humorous health campaigns.


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