
Showing posts from July, 2018

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Micro Problems

Cancer Society: Micro Contributors - Poor diet - Smoking - Sun exposure: tanning - lack of exercise - 

Macro Problems

Macro Problems Relating to Cancer: - People are living longer, a cancer that effects people at an older age - More people are living in cities - Environment, New Zealand has a hole in the ozone layer more likely to get skin cancer - Everyday products includes carcinogenic properties - 'Everything causes cancer' - NZ culture - Cosmetic development - products cater for some factors not for all  - Radiation exposure through technological development - Development of Technology: UV screening eg. TV, Cellphones etc - Processed food has increased: Manufacturing of food - Vehicle fumes - Behavioural risks - Dietary concerns - Lack of physical activity

Meeting Group

The Cancer Society: Name: Daffodilemma Person of Contact: Nathan Peacock Point of Communication: Facebook group, Blogger, Google Doc Meeting Times: Monday 10am Wednesday 10am Thursday 10am __________________________ Keriana week starting 6th Monday - 9 till 1 Tuesday - Wednesday - class Thursday - 9 till 12 Friday - 1 till late Emma Monday some weeks available all day Tuesday after studio 12pm Wednesday all day Thursday- before 1pm Friday- after 12pm Georgia: Monday: Available all day Tuesday: After 12pm Wednesday: Available all day Thursday: Available all day Friday: After 12pm Earth: Mon: available all day Tue: after 12pm ( some week not available all day) Wed: available all day Thu before 12pm Fri: after 12pm Jess: Monday: before 1 Tuesday: before 1 Wednesday: from 11 Thursday: morning Friday: not free