
Social Media

Social Media touchpoints: For our campaign, the use of social media as an advertising and interaction platform is integral. We have 'designed' a Facebook and Instagram account in an effort to continue audience engagement with the campaign itself but also amongst each other, sparking further discussions. The accounts imagery will carry over from the print and video media aspects and will include humorous, relatable content

installation concept

  installation video

video storyboard sketches


Website development

Current Campaign precedents: Initial basic layout: Development to more refined webpage. Adobe XD file of the web page. We chose to only design the first page of the website as we were just conceptualising how our designs would look cohesively.

Final Printed A1 Posters


Poster Concepts/Developments

Poster colour and size test prints- editing and fine-tuning details

Final Dossier: Information

Swot analysis for ‘Save your Sundays’ campaign: Strength: Strong distribution channels. Social media platforms allow for rapid sharing and reach a broad range of people. Social media is accessible for our target market and is used for sharing information. Using social media allows for the opportunity of our campaign going viral and therefore reaching a wider target market than initially targeted. Good relations with parent company (Cancer society) The campaign is versatile and easily expandable for different age groups /causes /seasonal/ localisation. The campaign is flexible for change for example in the summer seasons the campaign could focus on being sun smart whilst drinking.   Local and national organisation. Promotes healthy lifestyle habits for younger generations. Provides strong resources and information. A digital based campaign means that elements can be mass marketed in a short amount of time. Our marketing campaign is aggressive and focuse